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Monica Re
Dance Movement Therapist APID®
Law n. 4/2013

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APID® vice president
EADMT Deputy for Italy


Activities- Monica Re Dance Movement Therapist


Copyright © 2024 Monica Re | DanceMovementTherapist | All rights reserved | P.iva 11719700012 

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Thanks for the photographic contributions:
  Luigi Bosco, Fondazione Time2, Francesca Pieia, Maria Laura Verdoia, Elisa Villaverde. 

Orienteering and movement are keywords for this research program to encourage and broaden the sense of orientation, the observation of nature through a personal bodily approach to raise awareness of environmental and community issues.


The program combines the different aspects of my professions as dance movement therapist and hiking guide.


Design with by Diletta

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 Community programs

Community projects- Dance Movement Therapist
Community projects Dance Movement Therapist

Across the seasons

Across the seasons is the 2024 workshop to empower connection in the community travelling across daily life to discover circularity of time and ages in a performing story telling

You may find more about Map & Territory in the article  Dance/Movement Therapy Interventions to Cope with Covid-19: From Isolation towards a New Proactive Community. Medical Research Archives, [S.I.], v. 10, n. 9, sep. 2022, ISSN 2375-1924

Map & territory (2020/21) and The ancestors of the future (2022/23) are community projects where different generations first met on line and then in their daily life spaces such as elderly homes or social centers. Finally in public spaces like museums. 


Persons with fragilities and people from all the territory had the opportunity to taste unusual playing fields to meet in presence again and to recover the social tissue which had been strongly compromised in 2020 and 2021.

ARTICLE LINK Dance Movement Therapist- Monica Re
Dancers are guests of the elderly houses Casa Baratta in Villardora, Casa Amica in Chiomonte, Galambra in Salbertrand, Casa Nazareth ib Oulx, La Gherusìa in Bussoleno with the support of Con.I.S.A. “Valle di Susa”, Cooperative Piergiorgio Frassati e CSDA, G.A. Levsi Art Gallery in Chiomonte, Municiplaity of Chiomonte, Municipality if Villardora, Municipality of Bussoleno

 Community programs

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The Carnival of Animals-creative movement project_Dmt
The Carnival of Animals-creative movement project_Dmt
MONICA RE LOGO dance movement therapist

The carnival of animals

The Carnival of Animals is a creative movement project born from a virtual tom-tom during the days of the first lockdown in 2020 to restore social relationships as soon as possible. 

You may find more about this journey in the article Isolated systems towards a dancing constellation: Coping with the Covid-19 lockdown through a pilot dance movement therapy tele-intervention. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, An International Journal for Theory, Research and Practice, Volume 16, 2021, 9-18.

Actors from the Susa Valley area believed in it, together, each giving a piece of themselves: the administrative organization, the virtual platform as a meeting place and protected setting, personal time and professional skills. 


The result was a great online dance to involve children and elderly people in our area in a new space for meeting and sharing emotions. 

ARTICLE LINK Dance Movement Therapist- Monica Re
Dancers were some pupils from the primary school and nursery school of Borgone and Vaie (Istituto I.C. CENTO PASSI of Sant'Antonino di Susa), guests of the Elderly Residences of Borgone (Nostra Signora del Rocciamelone) and Salbertrand (Galambra) with the support of Con.I.S.A. “Valle di Susa”
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 Dance to grow

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Dance movement therapy and learning disorders

I am member of the APID® Developmental Age and Learning Disorders Study Group. The study explored in various phases from 2011 to 2016 how Dance Movement Therapy may help in the field. The first step was an initial exploratory phase of observation and methodological research, the second step took place with workshops in many Italian regions.


The research represented a moment of great growth and discussion between colleagues of the Italian Professional Association.


The data and conclusions of the study were collected in the book Corpo, Affetti e Apprendimenti. DanzaMovimentoTerapia e Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento. Uno studio pilota a cura di Anna Lagomaggiore, Marina Massa e del Gruppo-Studio APID® “Età evolutiva e Disturbi dell’Apprendimento” - Magi Edizioni.

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dancer attività divulgativa


Dance/Movement Therapy Interventions to Cope with Covid-19: From Isolation towards a New Proactive Community. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 9, sep. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. 

Available at:


“Isolated systems towards a dancing constellation: coping with the Covid-19 lockdown through a pilot dance movement therapy tele-intervention” at “Danza in reclusione” in MAREA, n. 3-2020, pp. 53-58 

(in Italian only)


A.Lagomaggiore, M. Massa (a cura di), Gruppo Studio APID “Età evolutiva e Disturbi dell’Apprendimento”, Corpo, Affetti e Apprendimenti. Danzamovimentoterapia e Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento. Uno studio pilota, Magi Edizioni, 2020 (in Italian only)


dancer attività divulgativa

Conferences and workshops


2nd World Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health (WCIMH) in Rome – Poster presenter DanceMovementTherapy: a matter of fitting! - 20-23/09/2023

Community Dance. Dance Movement Therapy ProjectsAn Italian experience from online moving back to presence - webinar - MSH Medical School Hamburg - University of Applied Sciences and Medical University Fakultät Art, Health and Social Science - 4 July 2023 


Inner and Outer Landscape: dancing and body mapping. The role of art and science to promote social cohesion and environmental sustainability awareness processes? - workshop Unito Studiumlab - University of Torino - 23 May 2023 


The World Art and Embodiment Forum (WAEF 2023). Stabilization, Innovation & Breakthrough – Cultivating Resilience through the Embodied Arts – on line workshop The resilient dancing of a mountain community during the Dance Therapy/Movement Therapy Summit - 12 March 2023 


4th EADMT Conference – How far is far? How close is close? Choreoghraphing a new world  BERLIN — presenter of Map & Territory: a way to know our body in our valley about projects coordinated during the pandemic period - 23-25 September 2022  


22nd Conference of the International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to PsychosisPerugia  - copresenter for workshop Tasting the divine in the section Co-constructing Healing Spaces - 1 September 2022 


Isolated systems towards new constellations: Dance/Movement Therapy intervention to cope with Covid-19 on line presentation at European Society of Medicine ESMED General Assembly 2022 Madrid in the section Global Public Health - 4-6 August 2022 


Hamwe Festival 2021 - University of Global Health Equity Dance for Health - Kigali - Rwanda - panelist for the session Dance for Health - 13 November 2021 -


The Carnival of Animals: a dancing tele-intervention to cope with the Covid-19 lockdown on line presentation at BIOMESIP 2021 - Covid-19 Workshop - 21 July 2021 -


2nd EADMT Conference - Crisis, Creativity and Society: Dance Movement Therapy Embodying Interdisciplinary Pathways Milano – copresenter for the workshop Playing you learn and grow, September 2016

The World Art and Embodiment Forum (WAEF 2023)-MONICA RE
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